Monday, January 4, 2010

Today is Monday, Today is Monday... Anybody remember that Kindergarten song?

That song is forever stuck in my head.  Thank you Nancy from St. Bernard.

I've decided to post what we've eaten each day, as a family, to appease Julia and to really get a close look at what we are eating.   It'll be at the end, so don't fret.  I won't make you hungry :)

Body - I shall backtrack about yesterday.  I called the YMCA, printed out the schedules of the things I like and called a friend about which one's are 'the best'.  So, I followed through.  However, I found out what the joining fees are along with the monthly fees and just about had another stroke.  Hmmm, what can I sell for that joining fee?  I'll work on that one.  Looks like home work outs until next month.

Today I called both my cardiologist as well as my internist.  It's been a bit since I've seen them and I've begun to have a few 'issues'.  In addition to that I've been drinking boat loads of water. I seem to have been parched and not known it.  I came home from the spa where I had a massage (first one in a year) and they had that lovely water with sliced cucumbers in it or oranges or lemon. It's just a tiny touch but it tastes so, so smooth.  I promptly copied the idea and put slices of clementines in a pitcher of water and so far every one else in the family detests it, so it's MINE. What is wrong with these people?!  Anyway,  I'm picking up cucumbers today at the grocery.

Art - Several things today.  I am currently seeking a large easel.  The one I have is a table easel and it's worked beautifully up until now.  I had either painted smaller paintings (not tiny just not huge) or I had either taped the unbraced canvas on the wall.  I have since decided that unless I am doing a canvas the size of my wall, the braced ones are economically better. Especially with Plaza Art. They are incredible.   I did look there for an easel, but they are in the hundreds.  I'm going to Craig's List today, posting it on Facebook and also looking at Ebay.  I would bet you probably couldn't count on both hands and feet how many people 'started' painting and ended up putting their easel in the basement.  If any of you have an extra, let me know!

I had bought 3 canvases over the holidays and am ready to get started with the sketching some time today of one of them.  You know, most people find it daunting to look at a blank canvas or even wall for that matter.  That's not been one of my problems in life.  I love a blank canvas or wall.  The endless possibilities!!! Plus, if it is horrid, you paint OVER it.

When I have been doing interior design in the past, I would find clients flipping out over the first stroke of paint.  So, I would buy five tiny cans and paint sections while they were not there.  Seems to help.  Most don't know what we want, we only know what we DON'T want.  I am not one of those people.

In addition, I am confirming the wholesale show in Atlanta that deals with textiles and selling your designs.

All in all, a BIG day for art.

So, for the soul.  It may sound odd and even funny, but I'm taking down my Christmas things.  I love Christmas. I love decorating. I love looking at each ornament, knowing who they came from (grandmother, mother, friends) or who's they are.  My mother started a tradition when we were small. Quite brilliant, actually.  We would buy 3 ornaments a year; 1 for her, 1 for me and 1 for my sister.  That way, when we moved off or got married, we wouldn't have a bare tree and we could look back and know when we got them.  So, I get to see those as well.  I've even continued that with my two daughters; 3 a year.  It's fascinating to see where they come from.  From the Nutcracker, from Helios (gorgeous little shop around the corner) from the tree farm where cut our trees down.  Always surprises me when and what they pick out.

I also love cooking. I love singing. I love giving. I love entertaining. I love picking out the recipes for dinners.  I love to see people's expressions when you've gotten them a tiny something that makes them laugh or smile.  Love it all.  So, taking the tree down is a bit of a bummer for me.  Let's all bow our heads for a moment of silence.

In addition to that, I will be meditating.  Have plenty of great meditating music and Jim bought me a little CD player to put in the bedroom.  My intention of meditation today is completion and organization.

Yesterday I ended up doing something for my soul that came as a complete surprise.  An old friend's son came by on a whim and we were able to catch up.  He is 21, had some pretty trying things to deal with in his very young life and I seem to be the only person he can open up to about it.  We talked for a good hour.  Then the girls and Jim got back and we all spent some time together.  The girls have known him all their lives.  I've known him since he was 5 or 6!  EEK! Good GOD that makes me feel old sometimes.. Until I talk to him.  There seems to be no age difference.  What does that say about me, exactly?

He calls me  his second Mom (although most Moms don't play pool together with their sons) and the girls his nieces.  Love that.  Doesn't mean I haven't gotten pissed at him and it doesn't mean I don't want to throttle him some times, but he really is a good man at heart.  He just struggles with things most  of us have never dealt with.

He and one of our dearest friends are coming over for dinner tonight.  What am I cooking, you ask?
Pan Seared Snapper with olives, artichokes and something else I can't remember. HA!

Ate last night:  Baked potatoes with l.f. sour cream, sauteed mushrooms
This a.m. for breakfast:  High fiber freaky cereal with flax seed in it, 1/2 cup of ff yogurt and blueberries on top.

Question for the day:  Do you have a land line phone as well as your cell phone?

1 comment:

  1. First of all, great photo... of the butt kisser! or kissee! That is one of my favorite photos of all time! Thanks for being in Paris with me to share that moment!

    Secondly, we have a land line in addition to our cell phones, since we dont choose to have thousands of minutes on our cells, and we use the home phone to receive long distance calls from family and friends... better speaker phone, more comfortable to hold under my ear. Schools still use the home #.

    Great blog... keep it up.
    Love, Christina
