Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Into The Wild

I sat down last night and watched a movie that I have been DYING to see for years now, Into The Wild.  It's directed by Sean Penn and the music is by Eddie Vedder.  I have to confess that I used to think Eddie Vedder was possessed by Satin himself because of the way he looked when he sang, but in the past few years have converted to a fan.  Mainly because of the soundtrack to this film.  Pathetic, but true.

I must say I think we've all had the notion that this young man had.  Let me back up.  The quickie of this movie is a young man who graduates from Emory (purely to satisfy his parents' desires) and seeks out the great adventures of life throughout the U.S.  He gives away the remainder of his college fund ($25000) to a  non-profit and makes his way from Virginia to Mexico to Alaska finally.  Alaska being his real destination.  He feels that society has seduced us all into 'occupations' and that money makes you needier. and thus rejects society as a whole and treks off into the wild.  Alone.  He meets many fascinating people and characters along the way.  He loves life in the wild, lives on a 'magic bus' and then does something I would do; ate the wrong berry and died.  I didn't ruin it for you.  His writing throughout this is poetic and beautiful.  All of this is a true story.  Which both inspires you and saddens you.  Some of the scenes though would put Bear Grills to shame and I've watched Bear Grills drink his own urine, so be prepared.   Which brings me back to the notion.

We all have had that moment in time, as a child, when we realized that money was required.  I think we all had that thought "why don't we just all trade (didn't know the word barter then). Why do we have to have money?"  We realized for the first time that life isn't equal.  And the things we took for granted every single day like food, water, heat, air, gas, a car, school, our barbies, came at a 'cost'.  That money drove the train.  It was very disheartening for me.  It was against everything everyone one was teaching me both at school and on the billboards.  Love is all you need.  Do unto others. It broke my heart as I'm sure it broke many a heart.

So what does this have to do with Body, Art and Soul?  Well, It delves into the soul area as well as the Art.  First of all the cinematography in this film was breathtaking, as you can imagine.  The music is haunting and this young man's poetic prose has stuck in my insides.  At first I thought "I can completely remember wanting to do that at his age.  Maybe not to Alaska, but travel the world with just a backpack."  Ok and lipstick.   But my POINT is, THIS is my into the wild. This journey I have been on throughout my life is my 'wild'.  No comments on that one, please.

Most especially though right now.  My wild is a deeply personal journey with many people/charactors along the way.  Yes, I need money to purchase my canvases and my beautiful new easel. Yes I need money to purchase food and have electricity and heat and air.  But we don't "need" so many things.  I didn't want anything for Christmas this year except spending money for travel this Summer.  Not a lot of takers on this.  Which I find incredulous and odd at the same time.

I think experiences are much more meaningful than ipods or iphones.  Although I covet my friend's iphone.  There. I am human.  Back on track here.  When you drop dead, God does NOT ask for a credit check.  And when you close your eyes you should remember beautiful beaches, mountains, a small flower, your children's laughter, the touch of someone's hand, your grandmother's scent.

That fits into the Art part today.  I have a lot going on art wise, but my painting background for the next two paintings will be a. France (from this Summer) and b. Kieve (from my husband's trip this Fall).  They make my paintings so much more meaningful.

So onto the good news for Art.  It appears this Friday will be a big fork in the road for me.  I not only will be meeting with my dear friend about her books, but I will also be meeting with a mutual contact about the textiles.  Big path changing.  I wonder if it's a full moon?  :)

So the body thing.  Today is going to be a 'girl' day.  I look like a feral child because I've been tending this fire so much (ashes ashes we all fall down).  So it's a hair conditioning, face mask, yummy smelling lotion, cucumber water sort of day.

I did manage to work out getting enough samples to get me through 3 weeks of my meds.  Woo Hoo! Which should make us all happier people on the planet.

Now for the food.  I have a terrific friend who bakes the most disgusting looking cookies on the planet (I refer to them as the POO cookies) but taste divine.  I myself, don't usually mix lavender, ginger, and eye of newt into my baking, but she has won me over.  So I got a bit cocky and rushed through the recipe or rolled oats, dark chocolate and dried cherries cookie recipe and um, well, now I think I have a rival POO cookie.  It's maybe the POO to YOU TOO cookie.  It actually tastes incredible, but I would run if I saw it passed to me on a plate.  So Cheerio to you Sarah!  I bow down to the Master.  I think I'll move on to a bread or cake sort of thing.

For tonight I am cooking a turkey chili recipe that would warm up a polar bear.  And since it's supposed to snow, I think it only appropriate.   Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

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